Chelsea Seabron is Manager with Google.org, and Larry Brown, Jr. is the National Director of the NAACP ACT-SO (Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics) program. ACT-SO ” is a yearlong achievement program designed to recruit, stimulate, and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students.”
Google.org has announced a three year, $3 million dollar grant with accompanying Google employee volunteer hours to help bring ACT SO to more communities and more students. Learn more about the Google.org tools and strategy in our podcast with Justin Steele.
Larry and Chelsea talk to host Steve Boland about the history of ACT SO, the decision by Google.org to support that work, the nature of bringing a program to scale over time, the impact of ACT SO on young people over time, and much more. Check out the Google.org ad about ACT SO below,.
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